Why Politicalhb Hubspot theme?
Our demos will quickly show you a lot of reasons why Politicalhb is probably the most compact and clean Politicalhb Hubspot theme of the moment. The theme only comes with specific options and features, built by professionals for professionals. The most important part of the theme is that it comes built-in with a lot of services that actually are “Ready to go”.
Politicalhb theme was created to simplify the process of having a well-done website, for any Political Party or Individual Senator website!
- Online Documentation Available
- Customizable Modules:
- TSLR Accordions
- TSLR Blog Posts Grid
- TSLR Blog Widget
- TSLR Clients Carousel
- TSLR Header Contact
- TSLR Slider
- TSLR Instagram Feed
- TSLR Reviews Carousel
- TSLR Services
- TSLR Tabs
- TSLR Team Members
- TSLR Team Members
- TSLR Title & Subtitle
- Blog Listings
- Blog Pagination
- Customizable button
- Menu Section
- Social Follow
- Pages:
- Home
- What We Fight For
- Blog list
- Blog single article
- Contact
- About
- Landing
- Our partners
- Our sponsors
- Become contributor
- System Pages:
- Error 404
- Error 500
- Backup Unsubscribe
- Membership Login
- Membership Register
- Reset Password
- Reset Password Request
- Password Prompt
- Search Results
- Subscription Preferences
- Subscription Confirmation
- Extensive documentation
- Developers ready
- Instagram feed gallery
- Clean & commented code
- Cross-Browser Compatibility: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Microsoft EDGE, IE11+
- 100% Responsive Theme
- Google Fonts
- Well documented
- Retina Ready
- Multiple columns Testimonials
- Google Maps integrated