Frequent Asked Questions

Get started with our theme, easier.

If you are using the Child theme, then renaming the DONATE button is pretty easy.

Step 1: Simply copy this template “/churchwp/templates/template-header1.php” to your child theme keeping the same folder structure “/churchwp-child/templates/template-header1.php”.

Step 2: Edit the file template-header1.php and go to lines #73 and #78 as seen on the next screenshot and add your own text for the Donate button:

Our entire themes portfolio comes with multilingual feature intefrated. There are multiple ways to translate the theme in any LTR language:

Method 1: Use Loco Translate (Free Plugin)


Method 2: Use WPML Premium Plugin

Our themes are compatible with the most powerful multilingual tool available for WordPress.

Step 1: Install the latest version of our plugin (ThemeSLR Framework). After activating the theme, a notice will appear on your WordPress admin panel. See picture below:

Step 2: After activating our plugin, all you need to do is to install Loco Translate plugin for WordPress.

Step 3: After installing and activating the Loco Translate Plugin, open their admin panel named Loco Translate on left navigation menu.

Updating the theme can be done in two ways:

Method 1. Automatic updates, by using the Envato market plugin: (download + instructions included in the link)

Method 2. Manual, by redownloading the theme from your ThemeForest account and uploading it over the current theme (override the current theme).

Don’t forget to backup the current theme.