Our demos will quickly show you a lot of reasons why PoliticalWP is probably the most compact, user friendly Political, Campaign, Election Non-Profit WordPress Theme of the moment. The theme comes with specific options and features, build by professionals for professionals. The most important part of the theme is that it comes built-in with a lot of services which actually are “Ready to go” after importing the demo on your site.
PoliticalWP was created to simplify the process of having a well-done website, for any Political, Campaign, Election Non-Profit Organisaiton or Individual!
Thank you for purchasing our theme!
For WordPress Installation you can check the Famous 5-Minutes Install here :
or you can watch the following video.
The first option on how to install this Theme would be to directly upload the politicalwp.zip file via WordPress Theme Uploader.
If you are experiencing any issues during the installation I would recommend to check out this Screencast by Envato
The second option on how to install our Theme would be the upload via FTP manager. It really doesn't matter which of the two ways you choose, just choose the one you feel more comfortable with.
If you are experiencing any issues during the installation I would recommend to check out this Screencast by Envato
So at this stage you have probably noticed a warning, asking you to install recommended plugins. This is needed to get the Theme Panel plugin and a few other plugins for the theme to work perfectly. Installing that is very simple, you just need to click Begin installing plugins
and you will be redirected to the plugin installation page where you can install any Plugin you want or you need.
This theme comes with an amazing built-in feature: One-Click-Install
-> Possibility to import demo data of the theme with one click only, and make your site look 1:1 with our demo.
Sounds cool? How can I install the demo?
Go to your WordPress Admin Panel -> Theme Options Panel -> Demo Importer
Demo-sliders are located into the downloaded package from themeforest in /sampledata/Revolution_Sliders/
(*) - The sliders are automatically imported when the Demo Importer is fired. After completing the import the site will contain all demo data + revolution sliders
If you want to change the general Options of the Theme, go to your WordPress Admin Dashboard Area to Theme Options Panel. Here you have a tabbed Navigation where you can change a lot of Options of your new Theme:
PoliticalWP Theme comes with custom widgets which can be found in your WordPress Admin Area under Appearance > Widgets
PoliticalWP comes with VISUAL COMPOSER Plugin included
, so any customer of the theme can use this amazing drag and drop page builder.
Besides default Visual Composer shortcodes, PoliticalWP comes with +30 custom shortcodes
PoliticalWP comes a huge list of shortcodes
integrated directly into Visual Composer Plugin
You get free 6 month support with this item. If you need some help or found a bug or issue with the theme, you can always contact us here via email and we will respond to you within 1 day.
Full changelog can be checked on themeforest item page.